January 19, 2024 2nd week OT

OT means ordinary time. Today’s first reading brings us to Saul searching for David and David having the opportunity to kill Saul but he doesn’t. He does cut a piece of Saul’s mantle. I looked up what a mantle is and it was a cloak worn by prophets, men of God. One note I read said that Jesus wore a mantle as well. What I take from this reading is that David did not choose to kill Saul. David wanted him to know that he spared his life because he was chosen by God.
In the gospel, Jesus chooses the twelve apostles, it says “to have authority to drive out demons”. Jesus is giving men the power to heal the afflicted. In one of my reflections they say that we should reflect on what Jesus is calling us to do, to “proclaim” the gospel! For God so loved the world, that he sent his only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall have eternal life!” (John 3:16) Amen!

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