March 1, 2024 2nd week Lent

Today’s first reading tells of Joseph’s brothers that first plot to kill him because he is his father’s favorite. Then they decide to sell him into slavery. The psalm talks about this as well. I love when all the readings go together. In the gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the land owner and tenants that kill the owner’s servants and his son. Jesus asks the Pharisees what will happen and they say that the land owner should kill the tenants. Jesus then says “the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit” Then the gospel says the Pharisees want to arrest Jesus but they feared the crowd because the crowd considered Jesus a prophet. There are many times in scripture that Jesus foretold his death and resurrection. He knew what was in their hearts and minds. He also knows my fate. I pray that I go to heaven. Amen!

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