March 17, 2024 5th week Lent
Today’s first reading is Jeremiah saying there will be a new covenant. Jesus died for our sins and he is the new covenant. Jeremiah also says remember their sins no more. Jesus died for our sins. In the second reading, Paul says to the Hebrews that Jesus suffered and died for them and became the source of eternal salvation. Again, Jesus died for our sins. In the gospel, Jesus states how he must die. Then a voice from heaven that the crowd heard, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again” The crowd said it was an angel, but it was the voice of God! During Lent, some of the Sunday readings are doubled because of the people going through preparation to receive the sacraments of baptism, Eucharist, and confirmation. This week’s gospel is that of the rising of Lazarus. Jesus wept. What a miracle that spread throughout the lands that Jesus rose Lazarus from the tomb. Amen!