March 28, 2024 Evening mass of the Lord’s supper: Holy Thursday

Today there are three options for readings. The first is the Chrism mass where the priest blesses the oils used by the church throughout the year. There is the oil of the sick, the oil of the catechumens, and the holy chrism oil. The second is the day mass Thursday of Holy Week. And then the third is the evening mass of the Lord’s supper. I will focus on the third since I will be attending that mass this evening.

The first reading is from Exodus telling the story of the first Passover. God tells the Jews to eat unleavened bread and be fully clothed to be prepared to flee. Also to put blood on the door so that God will “pass over” that house when he reigns vengeance on the Egyptians. In the second reading, Paul tells the Corinthians the story of the last supper where Jesus has mass and tells of the new covenant. In the gospel, Jesus humbles himself by washing the apostles’ feet. He says that He has given them a model to follow. In the past, I have had my feet washed by others. It is embarrassing for me. I hope the person washing feet gets something out of the process. Amen!

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