October 28: elephant
Today’s toy is a crocheted elephant. Design by Natalina Craft. Using Colassal and a 9 mm hook, this yarn was just too big to make anything. You will notice the trunk is just too bulky! I had tried a few projects with this yarn and finally it is a toy. I altered the pattern for the feet since I was running out of yarn, but it still sits. It’s a cute pattern. I also changed the ears due to the yarn’s bulky weight. Etsy listing: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1795487684/handmade-crocheted-stuffed-animal?click_key=c7e820e6737de8260c741cb21bf8607a78835b4c%3A1795487684&click_sum=fb2f64b2&ref=shop_home_active_5