February 25, 2024 2nd week Lent

Today’s first reading tells the story of Abraham’s faith and obedience when he is going to slaughter his only son, Isaac. Of course an angel intervenes and tells him to stop and then God rewards his obedience by saying he will have as many descendants as the stars in the sky. The second reading states “If God is for us, who can be against us.” I know of many who are against us, but all that matters is that God is for us. In the gospel, the transfiguration of Jesus is told. Moses and Elijah are present and God says he is well pleased with his son. Jesus foretells that He will rise from the dead and the apostles wonder what that means. I don’t remember ever questioning that fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Strange huh? His face shown like the sun and His clothes became dazzling white. What a sight to see! Amen!

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