October 2: whale

October 2: whale

Today’s toy is a crocheted whale. Design by NaimanovaToys. Using Bernat blanket and a 6 mm hook, this was a make to use the yarn up from making the blanket. I thought I would include it with the bunny lovey after someone purchases it. Great pattern. Using the larger hook made the toy very squishy…

September 30: variegated pumpkin

September 30: variegated pumpkin

Today’s item is a crocheted pumpkin. Design by CraftinginTx. Using Bernat blanket, Lion Brand Heartland, and a 5.5 mm hook, I am trying to use up this yarn. I love the plush pumpkins. The brown stem is the perfect color. It’s in my Etsy shop, https://www.etsy.com/listing/1800847141/handmade-crocheted-multi-colored-pumpkin?click_key=b32a28f2da1c1a6b410d7395dcb9e13046d3ef60%3A1800847141&click_sum=7a821e89&ref=shop_home_active_11