August 12: duck

Today’s toy is a crocheted duck. Design by Sweet Softies. This is good luck duck #5. I must love making this pattern! Using Just Chenille from the dollar tree and a 2.5 mm hook, this pattern has great shaping and works with all weights of yarn. The bill is made using DMC floss and a…

August 12, 2024 Monday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time In the first reading, Ezekiel had a vision of God. My commentary said that Ezekiel was in Babylonian exile at the time, so it was significant that God was among them, far away from the temple. God is always with us. In the gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that he will suffer, die, and…

August 11, 2024 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s first reading Elijah asks God to end his life. He gives up. But God doesn’t give up on him. He provides food and drink for his long journey ahead. In the second reading, Paul urged to live in the example of Jesus. He gave everything for us and our sin. Imitate Christ….

August 10, 2024 Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr In today’s first reading, Paul said God loves a cheerful giver. God is good all the time! In the gospel, Jesus said that “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there…

August 9, 2024 Friday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time In today’s first reading, Nineveh is conquered by God. God is upset that the innocent are being killed. He is our defender. In the gospel, Jesus said if you want to come after Him, you must deny yourself and take up your cross. He tells His disciples about His fate. He does say, “For…

August 8: mouse

Today’s toy is a crocheted mouse. Design by Sweet Softies. This will be a keychain for my Etsy shop, Using Hobby Lobby’s Yarn ID, some scrap yarn, and a 2.5 mm hook, this is an adorable pattern with the arms along the surface of the belly. I will definitely use that in one of…

August 8, 2024 Memorial of Saint Dominic, priest In today’s first reading, God talks of a new covenant for His people. Not like the ones so easily broken. He is talking about the living covenant, Jesus. In the gospel, Jesus asks the apostles “who do you say I am?” Peter said “You are the Christ, the Son of God” Jesus then gives…