February 21, 2024 1st week Lent

Today’s first reading is the story of Jonah proclaiming (my word of the year) that God is going to punish Nineveh for the evils of that town. Then the king of Nineveh proclaims that everyone put on sackcloth and fast and maybe the Lord will not destroy them. Since they repented, God did not destroy them. I love this passage of the Bible to give hope to those that need to change their ways. Turn back to Him for He is a merciful God. It was the psalm 51 today which might be my favorite. Again with the contrite heart and spirit. “A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Cast me not out from your presence, and your Holy Spirit take not from me.” Just beautiful. Then in the gospel, Jesus says that people in His time need to be like those in Nineveh. Instead of having the prophet, Jonah, they have Jesus to tell them to do no more evil and repent! Thank you Lord for your mercy on me, a sinner! Amen!

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