January 28, 2024 4th Sunday OT

Today’s gospel is an account by Mark in the early days of Jesus’ ministry when he calls out an unclean spirit. It says, “His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee” In one of my reflections they focus on your own conversion from sin and that if you are trying to live a holy life, it might not seem as drastic to become more holy because it is only a slight change in the way you are already living. This is how people fall away after they are “saved” from a life of sin, sin can creep back into our lives. I pray that by the Holy Spirit always at my side, I can fight the temptation of sin.

In the second reading from 1Corinthians, Paul says don’t be anxious. He says have adherence to the Lord without distraction. Isn’t everything in life a distraction. Focus on what God wants for us! Follow the Ten Commandments and the beatitudes.

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